
Panel Repairs and Upgrades

Safeguard Your Property

Get a Complete Electrical Panel Upgrade in and around Auburn, CA

Service panels have to comply with electrical codes to meet average electrical standards. If your system lacks main shut-off breakers and still uses fuses, turn to our Essential Electric team! We’re skilled technicians that have offered electrical panel upgrade services to residential and commercial clients in and around Auburn, CA. Our mission is to prevent power loss, reduce your fire hazard and prevent future damage to your home and electronic devices. Count on us to assess your system, put together solutions to suit your goals, and answer any questions along the way.


Start Your Panel Upgrade With a Free Estimate!

Benefits of Service Panel Upgrades

Reduces risk of fire, Increased ability to add additional circuits for future applications. In some cases prevents nuisance tripping of circuit breakers. Can resolve flickering lights in some cases.


Have Steady Electricity Flow

An electrical panel upgrade is a worthwhile investment that can reduce your homeowner’s insurance bill. Keep your family and coworkers protected by working with our reliable Essential Electric team! Request an appointment in or around Auburn, CA, by calling us today. We will stick to the timeline and budget you agree on.
